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Managed Services – The business Savior at times of natural disasters!

Natural disasters including hurricane, super storms, earthquakes etc are some of the worst nightmares for businesses, especially for small and medium businesses (SME’s). These are the times when businesses fell the impact of their negligence and taken for granted approach towards data protection and effective managed services .

Natural disasters including hurricane, super storms, earthquakes etc are some of the worst nightmares for businesses, especially for small and medium businesses (SME’s). These are the times when businesses fell the impact of their negligence and taken for granted approach towards data protection and effective managed services.

Weather conditions have gone bizarre in the last many years. Irrespective of this erratic and bizarre weather pattern, what really matter most to businesses today is the fact that they are prone to more natural disaster than any time before in the history of modern history. Small businesses are especially more prone to bear the harsh effects of weather atrocities as they are often unprepared for emergency situations. Any unprepared and ill-mannered small business can easily be wiped out by severe weather conditions in seconds. This can be better understood by keeping in consideration the massive destruction and wrath bring about by Hurricane Dandy to small and medium businesses. According to Small Business Administration, , Sand alone accounts for destruction and loss of thousands of millions of dollars for property damage. Moreover, an estimated 450,000 small and medium businesses in New Jersey and New York were annihilated by Sandy; most of which were never able to make it up again. This is simply because any extended halt in the manufacturing r productivity of small business means reduced cash flow and loss of orders (fatal for small businesses). So, it’s imperative for small and medium businesses to be able to recover swiftly in order to survive in competitive market.

So, what’s the answer to this?

The answer lies in cloud computing and managed services. Cloud computing has fast become the norm of business industry today as we see more and more businesses shifting to cloud computing. Cloud computing not only provides a competitive edge to businesses over peers in normal business scenarios, but also helps fasten the process of recovery in times of disaster management. Today, cloud computing together with managed services is offering small and medium business an opportunity to prepare themselves for any adversity and calamity (natural or anthropogenic).  Managed services are aimed to offer businesses backup, security and recovery; ensuring complete safety and protection of small medium businesses (SMB) at times of natural disasters. The best part about managed services is that it can help businesses recover from disaster remotely. Remote managed services are aimed to offer remote management for swift and fastened recovery process. Companies often imply remote managed service to cut down their down time and increase their productivity.

All in all, managed services in compliance with cloud computing ensure a competent and efficient firewall for businesses to ensure smooth sailing and swift recovery of businesses at all times. You can choose the right cloud computing requirement from private and hybrid cloud by discussing your needs with a professional managed services company.

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